Tuesday 27 April 2010

Fruits of Lectio Divina

This ancient method of conversing with God through His written Word is of great benefit. Such intimacy with God has been achieved by the saints through a slow meditative and prayerful read of Sacred Scripture, therefore a treasure like this is not to be neglected. For my Lectio, I will be using the 1962 Missal, and its calendar.

Today, the 27th of April, we honour Saint Peter Canisius (Confessor, Doctor) and plead for his glorious intercession. The Gospel for today's Mass is taken from Saint Luke 10: 1-9.

'The Lord appointed' - Only those who are commissioned by Christ can go forth and proclaim His message of salvation. No man can take this office and responsability upon himself, just as Christ did not set Himself up as the High Priest but was sent by His Eternal Father. However, in virtue of our Baptism, our incorporation into the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, we are called to be 'channels of grace' for others. That is, to show forth God's universal love and desire that all men be saved. Also, by our confirmation, we are strengthened by the grace of the Paraclete to be soldiers for our Lord. As our Master, appointed 72 disciples to go out, He has a great mission for all members of His Bride. It is not solely the duty of our bishops and priests to proclaim the folly of the Cross, but ours too, although this must be done in accordance with our state in life. After all, we live in and amongst unbelievers and fellow Christians, it must be our virtuous conduct, that sweet odour of praise rising up to God that will draw men to Him.

'Two and two' - Although at times, we are rejected and scorned by men, we are never without a friend. The Good Lord's grace is sufficient for us, while we are surrounded by a cloud of witness who have went the Way of the Cross before us.

'He himself was to come' - All men will undergo the judgement of God. No man can shelter himself from the Just Judge, therefore it is necessary for missionaries to be sent to the four corners of the world, to preach the Good News of our peace. The disciples two thousand years ago, prepared the ground for the Lord to preach by foot, now we are are called to preach as new Saint John the Baptists, to prepare men to face the Judgement Seat of God.

'The harvest indeed in great' - The wolrd is alive with a rich crop of souls, that long to be gathered up into the divine life. Those left alone will perish over time, as they have no protection from the storm. Let us therefore pray unceasingly for vocations to the sacred priesthood, our Lord will surely grant our request.

'Go, behold I send you out as lambs among wolves' - Those who belong to Christ, must act in gentleness, charity and humilty, yet with the Lord as our refuge, we have no need to fear. The wolves, that is the corruptions of this world, its lies, its deceits and its illusions. A soul who abandons the rest of the flock through idle curiousity will easily be devoured by the passing beasts, unless it remains under the watchful care of the Good Shepherd.

'Salute no man on the way' - This does not mean that we are to show a dislike or a scorn for others, but we must not be distracted by the whims and fancies of this passing world and its pleasantries. Our first duty is to God.

'Carry...nor shoes' - Shoes offer comfort from the rocky and dirty ground. Yet the Lord is our comfort, He is our refuge, He protects us from fallings into danger. He guards our way. Those who turn aside from Him to seek satisfaction are easily discouraged and no amount of earthly goods will rectify that.

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